What We Offer


Relationship building and initial consultation

  • We will get to know each other, what you want and work out a plan to meet your needs.
  • Engaging in psychological therapy requires at least three sessions to plan, implement and review. 
  • Sessions should be close together to gain traction and momentum., 



  • A clear assessment of the situation will be developed to guide the work. 
  • Comprehensive or specific, written assessments may be required or requested. These would be at an additional cost. 
  • Assessment is ongoing as more understanding is developed. 


Formulation and analysis

  • We will work together to understand why an issue is continuing and what be be influencing change. 
  • Formulating the behaviours in context is important to intervene correctly in the right way for you.  


Intial support plan

  • If needed, we can work out an initial support plan to hold things together if your situation is challenging. 
  • This may include showing you some quick tips and how to access helpful supports and resources to keep you safe and well. 



  • This may include a variety of evidenced based therapies. We can discuss a stepped approach to implementing interventions. 
  • Specific interventions may include work with your child, the parents, family or organisation.  
  • We will tailor each intervention to your needs and use evidenced based approaches e.g. ACT, CBT, DBT, EMDR, DDP and family/ systems therapy.


On going evaluations

  • Communication and information is key to keeping on track. Keep us updated with how you are getting on with your plan. 
  • We will work together to adapt the plan and interventions along the way to get you to your chosen outcomes. 


Reviews, outcomes, and reports

  •  We encourage you to keep in touch so we can support you more effectively with updates, follow ups, guidance and new skills. 
  • If you require any written reports these may incur additional costs.